Built-in, best-in-class RFP response software for invited vendors

When you issue an RFx with RFP360, you can invite an unlimited number of vendors to respond using the advanced features in our tool for free.

Empower vendors to submit better RFP responses in less time.

Our full-circle sourcing solution includes complimentary RFP response software features to make it faster and easier for vendors and suppliers to provide the answers you need.

At every step of the process, RFP360 delivers.

From the moment you issue an RFx until you receive final proposals, our software supports and simplifies your invited vendors’ response management efforts — all in a single, digital solution.

Better RFP software gives your team an advantage.

Better Proposal Software Gives Your Team an Advantage.

According to key industry research, it’s clear that vendors are willing to use RFP management software — unless it’s difficult to work with. Discover some of the most interesting statistics surrounding technology and the procurement process in a blog post that provides valuable data and advice for improving your approach.

We offer a unique vendor experience that gets results.

RFP360 Customer Success

Improving the quality and speed of responses begins with providing vendors with integrated knowledge management:

  • Enable them to create, review and approve compelling responses in one library
  • Efficiently organize, tag and filter answers so they can instantly find responses

Proposal automation capabilities accelerate your vendors’ ability to answer questions with the best possible responses:

  • Leverage answer intelligence (AI) technology to surface the ideal responses
  • Effortlessly generate and deliver polished final proposals in the right format
RFP360 RFP Knowledge
RFP360 RFP Knowledge

Throughout the process, our workflow and collaboration features improve vendors’ efficiency and productivity:

  • Empower vendor contacts to establish a flexible, streamlined approval workflow
  • Collaborate, communicate with everyone in one platform, regardless of location